Big shout to Fabolous's album Loso's Way. Joint was nicer than I thought, evnethough he been came out with a Loso's Way once before entitled 'Loso's Way: Rise To power based off the the movie 'Carlito's Way: Rise To Power which came out during the time of the mixtape. Just so you know.
The Brooklyn rapper has came out with a variety of videos of the album which makes me think this his truely his baby. He definitely done step his game up and shown a somewaht new side to him and his music. Feel like a new Fab to me and Obama said change is coming....and it's good. One of the videos which premired some time this is the song 'When The Money Goes' which is a remix of Jay-Z song
Check out Fabolous version & Jay-Z's version.
Shout to www.teamsuprememusic.com also. They did a good fast review on the album.
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